Step into Your Power. Activate Your Light Language. Connect with your Angels. Shine as a Successful Healer.

This is a 6 month journey is for Healers who feel called to serve but struggle with self-doubt, visibility, and accepting financial compensation for their gifts.

You’ve already learned a healing modality, but fear and uncertainty keep you from fully stepping into your purpose. Through this program, you’ll gain the confidence to express your gifts, activate your Light Language, and call in the clients meant for you—all with the loving guidance of your Angels, Guides and Light Council.

🛆 Are you a heart-centred soul called to spiritual healing work, but doubting your abilities or unsure of the next step?

🛆 Feeling drained by a 9-5 that isn’t aligned with your life purpose? Ready for a change?

🛆 Hesitant to share your gifts, become visible, or attract the right clients online and in person?

🛆 Drawn to Light Language and eager to channel it in your healing work?

🛆 Afraid going all in on your life purpose won’t bring financial support or success?

🛆 Keep feeling like you should take another Healing Modality course to add yet another string to your bow and THEN you’ll be ready?


Firstly what I desire for you to know is this…

You are ALREADY enough.

You already KNOW how to help people.

You already have a beautiful connection with the Angels otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this because it was them that drew you here!

What I’m going to do during this time together is support you in fully SEEING yourself.

Fully recognising who you are ALREADY and having the deep inner knowing of why you came here.

Fully claiming and owning your gifts and speaking about what you do passionately and publicly.

Light Language is a process of unlearning and it’s also a process of awakening to your Hearts Language.

As you raise your frequency whilst channelling you will then more easily be able to access and clearly hear the voice of your Angels.

When you do this miracles start to unfold in your life.

You speak your truth boldly.

You show up with loving authenticity.

Naturally, as that happens people start to gravitate towards you.

Your beautiful Soul clients will find you because you are radiating the energy that is speaking directly to their Hearts.

This is how I left my 9-5 job successfully after a ‘failed’ attempt a few years before.

It is definitely important to know some of the practical stuff which I will be giving you but what I want you to know is what works for someone else may not work for you.

That’s why I see so many Lightworkers and Healers not fully shining and it’s where I’ve gotten stuck time and time again leading to burnout, indecision and procrastination.

I wasn’t meant to do ‘business’ like the people I was trying to learn from.

I was so fed up with going round and round in circles with Business Manifestation Coaches that I just gave up.

Instead, I started to go within, connect with my Heart, my Angels and Guides and channel my next step.

Which always felt good and always worked.

This wasn't someone else's way it was MY WAY.

I believe now that living our Heart-centred Purpose work is not about 'manifesting' a Spiritual business.

You cannot create that which you already are.

It's about peeling back the layers of darkness, density and resistance to SEE that you already ARE it and have it now.

Then you take action from this place which naturally presents itself and then the world around you starts to reflect that which you know yourself to be.

This is why so many Lightworkers have SO much resistance in this area.

Feeling like they have to 'market' themselves.

It's just about expression and having fun creatively whilst letting people know what it is that you do.

Communication is everything and in this work, we’re learning to communicate on the Quantum, level which means not just on the mental planes but on the emotional, spiritual and physical.

I would guess that if you’re here then you’re also an Empath and it’s very likely that the people drawn to you will also be Empaths.

And as Empaths we FEEL our way through life.

Your Clients need to FEEL you and FEEL what you do.

This is where Light Language comes in.

You are supercharging everything you do with a powerful frequency that can be felt on the other side of the world when it is expressed.

I’ve worked with people from all over the world from the States to Botswana, India, the Netherlands, Tokyo and so many, many more.

I don’t have a big Social following at this time at all and I’ll be totally honest I don’t even like Instagram. I barely use it or get any interaction on it yet loads of people have found me that way.

As you can see my website is nothing fancy and the text is a bit all over the show.

People have just found me in the most random of ways.

The one thing I do well is show up consistently in the places I do like to show up.

Whilst it is true that there is some discipline and of course, hard work involved there's something more than that at play here.

People tell me all the time when they sign up for my offerings‘ I saw you in a dream, then I saw you online or I heard your Light Language in your voice BEFORE I even saw you

Nothing surprises me anymore.

It just confirms to me the power of working with Light Language which is a Language that transcends time and space.

If this is intriguing for you and you’re a Healer or Lightworker who has done some Healing work or learned a modality (maybe even several) and you know deep down it is time to be helping people, shining your light, sharing your gifts AND receiving money for your services as well as being in support of the collective then I invite you to take a look at the below.

Hi, I’m Amy

In 2019, I left a 15-year corporate job overnight to start my Angelic Healing business. Before that, I went through a dark night of the soul, awakening to my gifts while struggling with anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Through healing myself, I trained in Life Coaching, Mediumship, and Angelic Reiki, knowing my pain had a purpose: to help others.

Working with the Angels transformed me—I left antidepressants behind, started sleeping better, and committed fully to my spiritual path. In 2020, the pandemic pushed me back into full-time work, where I learned the energetics of running a spiritual business.

Discovering Light Language unlocked my creativity, opened my third eye, and aligned me with my truth, helping me break free from the 9-5 again. Over the past 2.5 years, I’ve built a thriving spiritual practice and seen the powerful impact of these codes.

I created this 6-month immersion to share everything I’ve learned—so you can step into your purpose, connect with your heart’s wisdom, and serve your clients with confidence and abundance.

If this resonates, join us. Your Angels are guiding you.

With love, Amy xx

LIVE your Purpose, Radiate, Receive NOW - It's time to DO the work you were Born for.

This program runs from 01/10/24 to 31/03/25

The course will be delivered via pre-recorded videos and LIVE Zoom Calls there will be at least 3 per month and will consist of

🛆 Quantum Activation and Angelic Healing Hypnosis Journey Calls

  • Past Life Clearing

  • Integrate your multi-dimensional gifts

  • Energetic Healing, Clearing and DNA Upgrades

  • Get to know your Angels and Guides

  • Channel their messages

  • Explore your Akashic Record and discover your next chapter

  • Quantum Leaping into your new reality

🛆 Masterclasses and Trainings (Will be on some of the below points)

🛆 LIVE Coaching and Q and A sessions

🛆 LIVE Opening and Closing Ceremony Calls

The calls will be delivered at different times due to different working patterns they will be at either 7 pm Mon-Fri or Saturday Morning/ Afternoon

The schedule will be given for the full 6 months at the beginning of the Program and any changes will be notified ahead of time.

All calls will be recorded and added to the Confident Lightworker Training Portal where you will have lifetime access you do not need to attend them all to benefit from this program.

If you have questions and cannot attend the call I will still answer on the Q and A calls.

Pre Work and Bonuses

  • Leap of Faith Workshop

  • Quantum Manifestation Training

  • Successful Business Foundation Course

  • Activating Your Light Language (initial Activation)

  • Life Purpose and Business Quantum Journey Activation

Months 1 - 2 - Activate confidence in your Healing Gifts

  • Connecting with your Light Council and Healing Angels

  • Channelling them and working with them daily to raise your frequency

  • Angelic Healing and bringing this energy into any modality you are already doing

  • Setting up Healing Sessions safely

  • Self-Care and Spiritual Hygiene as a Healer/ Lightworker

  • Activate your Light Language Healing abilities

  • Working with Light Codes in your own life with intention

  • Light Language Healing Sessions with others

  • Infusing Light Language with any Healing modality / healing space

  • Activating other's Spiritual gifts and Light Language

Months 3-4 Heart Communication Activation

  • Getting clear on your Life Purpose work with your Light Council

  • Channelling your unique Healing Business Blueprint

  • Clearing Throat Chakra blocks and letting go of Lightworker 'persecution'

  • Clarity on your Message and activating this with Light Codes

  • How to talk about your services and offerings in a way that is magnetic to those you're meant to support

  • Clarity on the offers you wish to focus on next/ creating new ones

  • Clearly and confidently communicating what you do

  • Practise speaking about this with your Peers

  • Now it's time to go public - let's get you SEEN, VISIBLE AND SHINING!

  • Online sharing - I will mostly cover Facebook/TikTok/ Youtube and Mailchimp Emailing. I'm not a huge fan of Insta and don't feel called to teach on it. (You don't have to use the same platforms as me )

  • What to do at MBS Events/ creating talks

  • Websites - don't let this stop you it's not necessary in the beginning but I will show you what I use and why.

Months 5-6 Live Your Life Purpose NOW Activation

  • Changing your Money and Work story reprogramming and encoding yourself to receive money for your services

  • Angelic Abundance

  • Selling your services - what to say/ do and when to sell

  • It's time to receive your Soul Clients and get paid for your gifts

  • Embodying a successful, confident Healer who receives money all of the time.

  • Staying energised and how to notice Empathic Burn Out

  • How to transition from a 9-5 job

  • Expanding a current Healing Business

  • Channelling your Next steps


  • Q&A Group support: Regular community check-ins for extra support and guidance.

  • Community Facebook Messenger Group: Connect, practice, and stay accountable with other Lightworkers on this journey. Build strong bonds, support one another, and be empowered to become visible and seen

  • OPTION - to add on One to One Calls at any point

Program Details:

  • Investment: £1111 Pay in Full or 6 x £190 or 9 x £128 (extended payment plan will end after this program has finished)

  • One to One Calls can be added on at any point these will be £77 and are only available for those taking this program

  • Start Date: 1st October the program will run till 31st March 2025

This is the first time I’m offering this program, and I’m not sure if I will run it again—if I do, the investment will be significantly higher. If you feel the call, now is the best time.

Very limited Spaces

I will be offering no more than 10 spaces for this program.

It’s very important to me that everyone will be Coached and that I get to know you all individually.

The start date is 01/10/24 enrolment closes midnight 30th September.

If you feel you would like a chat before signing up you can either send me a message HERE (please check your junk folder for my response) with any questions OR

Book your Free 15-Minute Connection Call

I’m offering no-pressure connection calls to see if this is an energetic match for both of us. I want to ensure this journey is aligned with your needs and intentions.

If you’re ready to step into your role as a Confident, Successful Lightworker, book your connection call below and let’s explore how this program can support your growth.

Feel the nudge? Trust it and take the first step! Let’s see if this is your time to shine ✨

🛆 Please read the below before signing up 🛆

This is a 6 month program you are committing to. Please energetically back yourself and your decision to invest before purchasing. I am happy to answer any questions you may have in advance HERE

All payment plans are non-refundable, non-transferable and non-cancellable. All sales are final.

The 9-month payment plan finishes 3 months after this service ends.

There is no pressure with this program, no rush to complete or keep up and you will have access to all training materials for life.

I am in no way responsible for your physical or mental health. Any health concerns please see your doctor or another trained medical professional. I do not claim to be this in any way.

Thank You kindly for your understanding.

I look forward to facilitating this wonderful journey for you,

Amy xx
