Steph’s Testimonial

Firstly, I’d just like to say what an amazing experience the Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis Session was, I didn’t know what to expect as I’ve never really delved into this type of hypnosis before.  

I’d like to break up this testimonial just so others can really feel how it was for me. Before this session I have been struggling with PTSD due to taking acid around 6 years ago, even though the experience was both good and bad my mind just couldn’t take in what had happened. My journey since then has been to heal and to learn more about myself. I was also struggling with self-doubt at times.  

Before the session I didn’t know what to expect, Amy sent over a file with everything I needed to do, research and learn before my session, it was a nice read and had lots of videos explaining how to meditate what the session would be like. When I met with Amy just before my session, I was welcomed with open arms I felt safe and comfortable in Amy’s space.  

When I went into my session we talked about my questions, my life, childhood etc. for around a couple of minutes I did get all hot and flustered worrying about what was going to show up for me, but Amy really calmed me down and explained that I was safe and protected. I trusted Amy and this helped me massively.  

Amy then sat me on the chair laid me back and we started the session, WOW is all I can say when we finished the session, she asked how long I thought it was, I said around 35-45 minutes. It was 1 hour and 50 minutes, wow just WOW.  I felt lots of things during the session the feelings that stood out to me the most was, feeling of being free, I felt protection, I felt love and bliss. Amy has such a lovely voice so her guiding me to different portals and places was so easy for me to do, which I was really surprised at as I don’t meditate regularly.  

A little bit about my session, the first portal I was met by a green being with a red football T shirt on, I have also met this same beings in my dreams, the second was Archangel Michael he was gifting me a ring with pure white light which I can stand in and it spins around me instantly protecting and grounding me, I know can see this when I close my eyes, I’m so grateful for this gift Amy. The third one I remember I was stood in a river barefoot green grass, trees, blue sky and full sun. I felt grounded and a message that I need to ground myself more.  

The most amazing thing I felt from this session was LOVE, I honestly felt pure unconditional love. It was such an amazing feeling to be present in that moment.  

I had 12 questions and I got answers to all of them some was clarification to what I already knew but having this session has set it in stone for me, I felt so connected to myself it was such a profound feeling. Since the session I have been listening to myself more, its like Amy has removed whatever blockages that was in the way, so for that again I am truly grateful. 

I would 100 percent recommend Amy to anyone who would like this BQH session, her energy is so welcoming and warm, I can’t believe how much I took from just one session. I felt protected the whole way through. My mind is clear, and I cannot wait for future appointments with Amy.  

So grateful, thank you for facilitating this session.  

Claire’s Testimonial

I wanted to get to the root of my anxiety/sensory overload before the session, this and my interest in knowing more about my past lives were my reasons for having the session.

My only concern was that it could feel overwhelming to experience some past lives and I didn't want to overwhelm Amy with heavy emotions either!

She assured me she was prepared if this happened and I felt confident she was able to hold space which definitely she was.

I found the whole experience to be so clarifying and healing and fully enjoyed working with Amy.

I visited a number of past lives 1 experience felt like some kind of Galactic war time and I had a lot of responsibility there; I feel this maybe the origins for the anxiety I've known in this lifetime.

Another life was totally the opposite experience a time of Profound love and understanding amongst all beings there was a lot of beauty in this angelic lifetime and I feel I understand my guides and higher self on a much deeper level since these experiences.

I feel more confident in myself and I have more patience for myself recently which is a blessing!

If you are feeling called to have a session I would highly recommend working with Amy Goodwin, she's incredible at what she does.