Quantum Manifestation Coaching Testimonial Faith

I have just experienced a fabulous Quantum Manifestation Session with Amy It has been very profound and has enabled me to recognise where I have had blockages. Now I am consciously aware of these energetic obstacles and where they have come from, I am better able to do the inner work to change my own conditioning and thought processes, so that I can manifest high vibes always Thank you, thank you, thank you to Amy and the beautiful guides and light beings that help and assist in my journey

Yesterday I had a session with Amy and found it extremely powerful, I will share exactly how it went.

Firstly prior to the session I felt stress and had upper back pain. The joys of being a full-time mommy! Amy put me at ease and created a lovely open space by asking questions.

She in exchange answered my questions and she explained the dynamic I am experiencing with my Specific Person better then anyone else did before and that what was needed in order to heal it was "returning to childlike innocence through unconditional love." This really resonated with me.

She was very knowledgeable about relationships and confident in explaining the journey back to our SELF or the journey back to GOD/ the Divine!

We did a grounding exercise before beginning the Inner/ self love work. She connected me with my heart and feelings by bringing me into the present moment.

I had loads of breakthroughs in our session. Mostly, the fact that I have a tendency to try to fix others emotions, she guided me to the realization that I am only responsible towards myself, my emotions, my journey. I can only show up and meet others in compassion but it's not my responsibility to fix. This was amazing awareness due to my empathic and co-dependent tendencies.

To get back about the back pain. She guided me to feel into the pain. Feelings of guilt, shame and resentment was stagnant due to resent family trauma. She gently guided me to choose to let go of those feelings. I didn't know choice is so important 🙃because afterwards my back pain lifted, I forgave myself.

This experience left me lighter, even my interactions with my kids are more peaceful and patient today.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

May her journey as an Angelic Manifestation Coach always be blessed

I would highly recommend Amy.

🙏🏻 Namaste



Phyllis Anderson (KCR Practitioner and Life Coach)

Just had the most wonderful online healing session with Amy. I thought it would be weird on Zoom but it really wasn’t and seeing Amy’s happy face put me at ease right away. She gave me time to be emotional, taught me an exercise that I will be using lots and the healing session itself was full of tingles, warmth, lightness and actual vibrations. I feel amazing now 🙏Wow thank you! You must have called in so much positivity for me today. I have had previous clients contact me to give me more amazing feedback and a new enquiry too!🤗 Highly recommend 💕


I entered the call fairly sceptical as I do with anything that is uncommon and I don't understand!!

I had no idea what to expect from this complete stranger. She was a true professional!! Simultaneously & effortlessly, Amy navigated a road somewhere in between a consummate professional and an old friend I was picking back up with like no time had passed!!

Combine the amazing sense if safety she allowed me with a genuine desire & ability to understand me personally; Throw in her very insightful, very enlightening, & quite easy to follow/easy to understand conversation that helped me understand so much of the relationship dynamic with my Specific Person, top it off with some tasks & exercises she led me through so I could start working on my individual situation & you end up with what I believe was an amazing session that really was to my great benefit & one hour of my life that I am so thankful to have had & to have had with Amy!!

She even made sure to point me in the right direction & gave several suggestions as it relates to me!! She took time to give me some solid options & "Where do I go from here/How do I do this" and some notes on manifesting my Specific Person so I wouldn't be lost after the session, wondering around & trying to figure it out!!

Thank you for all you did for me Miss Amy!! I didn't realize I could understand & realize that much about myself/my Specific Person & our life, regain hope, & genuinely feel better about everything in just 60 minutes!! You my friend are a true natural at this!! I believe with all my heart that you were divinely hand picked & then destined to help others on their journey!! To say you'll be very good at this would almost be insulting to the experience you blessed me with!!

Before I go I must ask you Amy to forgive me for taking so long to submit this!! It is in no way and indictment on you or the time we spent together!! I wish you all the best this life has to offer!! It's easy to see you're one of the good guys!! Thank you again!!!!

Justin Caudill


Katie Clarke (Beauty and Holistic Therapist)

I honestly I can't thank you enough for my healing session I've felt like whatever was wrong with me has lifted, I've been laughing and smiling more and I've not been anxious, even with the impending second lockdown and not being able to work I'm just accepting it all, your so gifted Amy thank you for sharing it xxxx

Before starting the session I was feeling so confused about the relationship dynamic I was experiencing with my Specific Person. I was lost, ignored and was feeling so much hurt within me as I was struggling with a third party situation currently

but when the session started with AMY I felt completely relieved. She became such a great friend instantly and she was outstandingly a great listener she went sooo deep with my situation and explained everything so well. She pointed me to the places that I couldn’t see and needed to work on to change my outer reality. She made me feel so safe to open up about my deep wounds and most importantly she was an Angel to share her personal experience with me as a friend that made me feel inspired and completely motivated to have faith in the Universe as actually miracles do happen.

She absolutely made me feel so much loved during the session I have no words to explain how amazing she was when she was healing me honestly she was that amazing after the session I felt so much healed, a great relief and so much happiness within myself as AMY was such an eye opener for me to realise that I should not accept staying hurt, that was so powerful and I realised where I went wrong all the time.
She made me realise that the only thing I should be focusing on is within myself and on my inner work while trusting the Divine every second in this process. She completely made me realise all the small details where I never noticed on how much really that my Specific Person loves me and cares for me which made me feel so much love towards him as well as towards myself 🙏❤

She was such a gem and I'm so thankful for Amy for that blissful experience she gave me. I highly recommend Amy as a Coach and Relationship Guide to any one who is feeling lost on this journey to being with their Specific Person as she absolutely is an amazing kind hearted soul that will genuinely guide you to attain harmony in the relationship of your dreams.

Plus after the healing session the next day morning my Specific Person and I got reunited I’m so grateful for Amy for her blissful healing thank you soo much AMY thank you soo much,

Tharushika Muhandiram’🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤


Sally Dutton (Full Time Student)

In the past I was always unsure that coaching/healing was 'for me'. But Amy has this way of helping me unpick my mental blocks and blanks; I'm always left with a whole new perspective on an issue and a new found zest and strength to push on-wards and upwards.

Opening up to other people has always been difficult for me. But with Amy it feels safe and easy. Her approach is professional yet also so relaxed and cosy. She's incredibly understanding and supportive, helping me to set challenges to accomplish my goals!!
I've come a very long way since starting our sessions.

Highly recommend Amy as a Coach/Energy Healer. Can't thank her enough 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂


She has a very kind and patient demeanor and I felt very comfortable with her right from the start. She asked about my Specific Person experience and I shared my story with her and she was so sweet while I gave her the details. We did some exercises together and she walked me through a meditation practice and right away I felt relief.

I then shared that I was having a re-occurring bad dream and so we went through some other exercises and I automatically saw the dream go away through my body into thin air. So I believe she was able to dissolve my issues immediately on the first call.

I can’t wait to work with Amy in the future and look forward to more consultations soon.

I haven’t worked with a consultant who was able to get immediate results and connection with me that quickly so I would recommend her for anyone looking to do this shadow and heart chakra work as well as light work in general.

Thank you for this experience and look forward to further work and experiences with the talented Amy G.

Sincerely, Amy Kellogg


Nikki Lynch (Singer/ Songwriter/ Performance Artist)

I booked a Session with Amy. I was slightly apprehensive and nervous as I had never had a reading, or done anything remotely ‘spiritual’ before but I wanted to remain open minded and try something different.

I pre- warned Amy I can be a very emotional person (particularly when talking about myself and feelings). She is such a naturally compassionate person and reassured me that it was totally okay and normal to let emotions out. This immediately put me at ease and I straight away felt comfortable 1-2-1 with her.

We went through some coping strategies and techniques as I worry about everything and as a performer spend most of my life feeling anxious and nervous both professionally and personally.

Amy demonstrated extreme knowledge from a psychological and spiritual point of view to talk me through what I should do when I get these feelings.

The part of the session that really blew me away was the spirit card reading and meditation. I struggle sleeping and clearing my mind of anxious thoughts. Amy said she felt guided toward doing a card reading for me. I have to be honest this was the only part I felt slightly cynical about … wow was I wrong!!!

The 3 cards she pulled out couldn’t have summed me up better, I was dropped on. Bearing in mind this was online and I wasn’t even in the same room with her I couldn’t believe the accuracy.

We finished the session with meditation and healing. Unlike my usual sleepless night routine I drifted in and out of a very relaxed state listening to the track whilst Amy did the healing. She asked how I felt and this is the part that made me a total convert and feel so bad for feeling remotely cynical! Throughout the meditation I could see lots of Blue and Gold colours and wings everywhere. The third tarot card that Amy had pulled out previously (which I hadn’t seen, she had only explained what it said not looked like) was in fact BLUE, GOLD and had WINGS on it! I couldn’t believe it.

I can’t recommend a session with Amy enough, whether you are a bit of an intrigued cynic (like me), a spiritualist or someone who is struggling processing with what is going on in their head make sure you get in touch with her. She is so professional, approachable and such a wonderful person that will going on to make such differences in people lives with her amazing knowledge and spiritual gift.


Before having my session with Amy I was completely in my feelings and not in a good place and was actually feeling like this not going to work I'm just tired of everything,

I was feeling like I lost my strength for this journey.

Once my session began with Amy I didn't know how it was going to go and what should I expect but she was nice and attentive to me she was calm and patient with me and let me feel my vulnerability. She help me understand what this journey to manifesting a Divine Partnership is all about and help me realize that I am never alone.

She guided me through our session with passion and I felt that she was genuine with helping me release things that were hindering me on this journey. I felt at ease after I released things I didn't know was there and I felt like some weight was lifted up off my shoulders.

She help me understand more and how to practise Self Love and taught me how to fully to let go of feelings and thoughts I didn't know were there.

I'm so grateful that she took her time with me and didn't judge me about my situation. I would definitely recommend her to others and I definitely hope she keeps on helping others cause this journey is hard and to have someone to help you who knows what you are going through is such a reward and I thank her for this morning I feel so so so much better now than I've felt in a long time.

Sincerely, Lisa Scruggs


Ali Banahan (Pro Fitness Model and Skincare Therapist)

Great session with Amy tonight, highly recommend her services. I took away a lot of guidance and healing and enjoyed every second. She really listens and guides you through any issues you may have, I came away really relaxed and feeling a lot more confident with some issues I'm currently experiencing. Thanks Amy ❤❤

Before the session I was at a point where I thought Union with my Soulmate was something that would likely happen when we're old and grey. A part of me was angry at them for not showing me love the way I wanted.

Amy made me feel safe to open up about how I felt, and through a powerful exercise see how I needed to be there for myself.

After the session I felt empowered to deal with my emotions, and in a way that will help me grow in self love.

I would definitely recommend Amy to others. She was patient and warm.




I felt pretty lost before the Zoom call and had no clue where to start my healing process. My biggest problem was/is self-love and self-worth.

The coaching with Amy was directly on a very trusting level. She explained everything in great detail in a very calming voice and also told me exactly what to visualize to achieve the desired effect, filtering out uncomfortable feelings and targeting them very effectively was very helpful and I learned a lot about myself in the process.

After the session i felt much lighter and Amy helped me a lot to get the ball rolling so to speak. I now know where to start to work on myself and I am very grateful for that.

I would recommend her. Amy is a very friendly, trustworthy and calm person and I felt very comfortable talking to her.



Lucy Miller (NHS Hospital Department Manager)

Hi Amy,

I can’t honestly thank you enough for our session. Since the session, I’ve felt a huge weight lifted from my shoulders and my mind. I’m excited for my journey and learning more about myself and being an empath.

No doubt speak to you in the future

Take care and love to you x


Before the session I was feeling apprehensive about the idea of ever being with my specific person but she motivated me that God wants me to live a happy life not a sacrifice life. I was struggling with not to hurt my husband and other family members because of me. Amy explained me very beautiful that they are also God’s children. The Divine looks after every one. My job is just to love myself and my manifestation will happen in the perfect ay in the highest good of all.

She made me feel comfortable during conversation. I felt very strongly her angelic aura . She is just divine. I recommend her 100% with love.

SK Sandy 🙏😊💕🙇‍♀️


Nishat Zaman (Crystal Energy Healer)

My recent Session with Amy was a remarkably, peaceful and exhilarating experience! I SO appreciate her friendliness that made me feel comfortable instantly and that she had intuitively picked up on all the areas that need working on-!!~
Her thoroughness and expertise in her field is HIGHLY commendable !
I would definitely be returning to Amy again ! & recommend her to anyone considering similar services.

Before the session I felt calm but with question marks about my journey with my Specific Person. I know that some things needed to be healed but difficult to see them for yourself and how. During my session I felt safe and heard. Amy has a very nice energy, understanding and presence. During the call I felt safe and guided as Amy is an excellent listener and is highly intuitive. After the session I felt fulfilled and happy and like a weight had been lifted. I also felt really inspired to continue on with my journey.

I highly recommend Amy’s others and I can’t wait for our next Session :)


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Lucy Maraschino (Aerialist/Fire Artist)

Amy is an amazing Healer she has a great approach to her work and brings very positive fresh energy to it. We all know we need to have clear goals and work towards them with positive intent but somehow sometimes forget this and I found that Amy’s guidance was invaluable in helping me get my mind and therefore life back on track. I highly recommend her if you’re feeling a little lost, she is a great help & generally lovely person! 💓🙌🌟✨