A private mentoring Light Language journey that meets you where youโ€™re at whether youโ€™re an absolute beginner who feels drawn to the power of Light Language or an advanced channel who wishes to expand their understanding, purpose and healing abilities through working with Light Codes.

What is Light Language? 

Light Language is a high-frequency energy language made up of Light Codes. These Codes or symbols are multidimensional information that can be written, sung, danced, signed, spoken or drawn they are profoundly calming, and energising and many report a feeling of home when they hear them or look at them.

What does Light Language do? 

These Codes have the ability to raise your vibration, transmute heavy emotions, physically heal the body by changing the cellular structure, activate Spiritual abilities and help you to get on your Life Purpose path, they are an amazing Self-love tool, and the Codes are super powerful when used as a stand-alone energy healing modality or an amplifier of other modalities for Humans, Animals and Plants. 

The possibilities are endless when it comes to Light Language and more and more people are learning about this incredible ability that we all have to access our Soul's voice, and multidimensional wisdom, open our channelling abilities up and connect with our Light Council, our hearts and above all with the Planet. 

For those who are drawn to this path, you really are both anchoring and grounding the light. 

Who is the one-to-one Light Language Course for? 

This is for both absolute beginners and advanced channellers as this is a one-to-one tailored for service for your unique goals whether that be for Self-love and your personal journey, to work alongside Sound Healing, use in Ceremonial Spaces or to integrate into other modalities such as Coaching, Reiki, Hypnotherapy. 

We can also use this journey to work on Manifesting a Spiritual Business and attracting more Clients using the power of Light Language, Energy, frequency and flow. 

This is also for those who have worked with me before whether that be one-to-one, or through my Self Paced Courses and who would like to go to the next level/ would like a deeper more personal experience. 

Having personal Mentoring will help you to shift past any perceived blocks that are holding your confidence back when it comes to Light Language. 

Specific Results of this one to one journey course and working with Light Language

๐Ÿ›† Feeling more connected to your Heart and able to manifest a Heart Centred Life 

๐Ÿ›† Spiritual Gifts are activated to new levels and your Life Purpose path will start to unfold naturally and with ease. 

๐Ÿ›† Deepened connection with your Higher Self, Angels, Guides and Council and you will be able to channel their messages much more easily 

๐Ÿ›† Enhanced Creativity in all areas such as art, dance, authors, spiritual entrepreneurs and business owners of all times. 

๐Ÿ›† Feeling much calmer, centred, and balanced in harmony as Light Language helps to drop you out of negative mind chatter and into your heart. This also helps to soothe your nervous system. 

๐Ÿ›† Feeling more confident in public speaking and speaking your truth in relationships as Light Language helps you to shift through blocks in your Throat Chakra 

๐Ÿ›† Accelerated Manifestation as you will be raising your frequency and feeling better around your Manifestations, helping you to reprogram your consciousness and therefore shift timelines/ move to a more positive reality with ease. 

๐Ÿ›† Confidence working with Clients or in Healing Spaces and in your Spiritual Business, creating new modalities. 

๐Ÿ›† For more advanced practitioners you will feel super empowered in your Light Language abilities, able to talk about it and explain it to others from a state of clarity, you will also feel much more confident around sharing it on Social Media, in talks, at MBS events or creating workshops, sessions and programs. You will also learn a lot more about how you're meant to use it specifically on your path. 


Hi, I'm Amy,

Not that long ago I was constantly doubting myself, afraid to speak my truth in my relationships and in public.

I wasn't sure if my Life Purpose dream of having my own Spiritual Business was ever going to manifest because I was doubting if my spiritual gifts and channelling abilities were enough.

A few years ago a series of events led to me speaking in a strange language and being able to feel and communicate with multi-dimensional beings. It wasn't something I chose but something that happened to me.

Over time I realised that every time I spoke this language I would feel better, calmer, more at peace and more at home with myself.

I then started to use it for self-healing, clearing my energy and workspaces, I also used it for energising myself, self-love and along with my manifestation practices.

The more I used it and worked with it the easier it became to channel and connect with my Higher Self, Angels and Guides.

I started to use it in my Angelic Reiki Healing Sessions and they became even more profound and powerful.

I discovered that this language, these sounds and movements I was making were also helping me to open up more, to become more receptive and to stay in my heart more. Meaning I was able to be more authentic in my communication.

I also discovered that I was becoming a confident public speaker and was receiving a lot of positive feedback from doing talks, workshops and ceremonies. Previously Iโ€™d felt terrified and now it just flowed because I trusted more.

Eventually, I discovered the term 'Light Language' through a friend. The moment I heard this I knew that's what it was, that I had been activated.

I had heard it several years before this even through another close friend but I hadnโ€™t connected the dots because hers sounded so different from mine.

Now it is my Souls joy and Life Purpose to help others to know the power of working with Light Language. and to discover the freedom, flow, and power of expressing their Heart and Souls frequency.

I have worked with hundreds if not thousands now the past couple of years and seen the magic and confidence grow in everyone that I've helped.

I would LOVE to support you on this amazing journey to unlock your gifts, the power of your Souls expression, and your ability to receive more light and spiritual information for both yourself and others.

I have worked with people all around the world and I work both online and in person.

Are you ready to raise your frequency, activate your Light Language, and trust in yourself and your Guides like never before?


What's included in the Light Language Course? 

During this 4-week journey, you will receive 4 x approximately 1 hour Zoom Sessions/ In Person from Middleton M24 (please check with me before booking) where we will be doing Activation Exercises, Deep Healing and Clearing Work, Quantum Hypnosis Soul Journeys and Transformational Life Coaching and in between accountability voice messaging to ensure you are on track with the homework (which will only take a few minutes most days of the week)

Before you start your journey I will send you a questionnaire to establish what your specific requirements are and I will then channel out a map of your journey which I will intuitively adjust as we work together and as you develop. I will then send you some preparation exercises/ challenges via Video and/or Voice Note so you can prepare for your first session. .

If you wish to continue the journey with me to work on different areas in your life and activate your Light Codes/ Channelling abilities further this is also possible. You will lock this in at the price you signed up at as for new people signing up this will be going up over time.

This is a unique experience that is tailored to your individual needs for your Light Language journey and how you wish to use it on your Path and Purpose. 

What's the investment? 

ยฃ244 pay in full

2 x ยฃ124

3 x ยฃ84

For a very limited time only.


Celinaโ€™s Light Language Journey Testimonial

Cellinaโ€™s Testimonial

I have been exploring Light Language for about a year and I donโ€™t know where I would be in this part of my spiritual evolution without the compassionate assistance of Amy Goodwin.

From the start of our connection, I had an immediate sense of warmth and understanding from Amy that I have not felt from other popular Light Language coaches.

Her disarming approach helped me to open quickly to my Light Language, putting me at ease. Her guidance helped me to find my courage to speak it, and sign it, without feeling as though I was being judged or graded on my progress in the sessions. Instead she gently pushed me to expand my own boundaries, but in a loving way. 

After doing the course, I was astonished that I was speaking it more fluently than I have ever experienced in the past year.  Each session built upon the previous and the pace and flow were just perfect for me. It was like she gave me permission to be myself, and then my Light Language just flowed naturally. 

The healing session was amazing, and I found her to be incredibly intuitive and caring, which felt really important as I was opening to my own vulnerability. She listens with an intuitive ear and knows exactly what to say next to help me move even further ahead on this path. She truly loves what she does and it conveys so beautifully in the sessions; you certainly canโ€™t fake that!

Amy is the real deal. I am so grateful to have found her after seeking a Light Language coach in the U.S. and not finding any that were a great fit for me. I just wish these sessions could go on forever, so I am thrilled to be part of the practice group online, (another clever idea of Amyโ€™s that will help anyone continue to progress).

If you want to express Light Language I highly recommend her sessions! I cannot say enough about what a gem she is for this world, and I am so grateful. Thank you so very much, Amy. Your heartfelt work will help so many people! 


Cellina Rhiannon

Empowerment Coach, Sound Healer and Reiki Therapist USA

Megans Light Language Journey Testimonial

Meganโ€™s story and testimonial ๐Ÿ’—

๐“‚€ Light Language Sessions with Amy!

Thank you SO much Amy!

We crossed paths unexpectedly at a Mind, Body & Spirit event and I heard Amy speaking light language and instantly felt a pull to learn how to channel it.

Amy taught me how to channel the language from my heart and through my throat chakra so a lot of focus was on these two chakras. Amy is also a heart energy healing coach meaning she helps heal any trauma that is holding within your heart space that you have experienced from part of your past. I'm happy to open up about this now which only my family and some friends knew at the time... But after an abusive experience, I turned to counselling, it took me a while to go, but I needed to find an understanding of why I was put through such a dark time because I knew I hadn't done anything at all wrong to deserve any of it but felt the counseling wasn't helping me and in the end, decided to stop and just try to heal in my own way until... the universe crossed mine and Amy's path when it knew I was ready for something more powerful.

Light language is a way and my way of self expression, it's my soul and my heart's language & I'm able to freely express how the abuse made me feel in the most healing and enlightening way through light because talking about your experience in a counselling session for me only put my mind back to those bad memories and arguments. By sharing my experience with Amy, she taught me how to claim my power back. She also told me in meditation that my power was never taken away, it was just overtaken. She also taught me how to channel my feelings through light language and by doing this sends healing to my myself and to those who caused me pain.

To anyone who wishes to learn light language, Amy is an incredible coach, she is extremely understanding and motivated to help you. To anyone who feels they need to find their light again, Amy coaches you to your own personal needs.

My light language journey is just the beginning and it's absolutely changed my life and this picture is absolutely appropriate because inside the white pyramid is where Amy took me in a meditation to activate the light language. She is absolutely incredible & my heart, head & energy is thriving on all this growth and high vibrational energy!

Megan Downs

Angelic Reiki Practitioner, Psychic Medium and Astrologist ๐Ÿ’—

So if you're ready to activate your Light Language or take your journey to the next level, have confidence in your channelling abilities and connect with your Higher Self, Angels and Guides whilst learning to fully trust in yourself, in your path, purpose and learn how to express your Souls voice powerfully and authentically then I would love to invite you to this One to One 4 Week Light Language Journey.