Hi, I'm Amy,

Not that long ago I was constantly doubting myself, afraid to speak my truth in my relationships and in public.

I wasn't sure if my Life Purpose dream of having my own Spiritual Business was ever going to manifest because I was doubting if my spiritual gifts and channelling abilities were enough.

A few years ago a series of events led to me speaking in a strange language and being able to feel and communicate with multi-dimensional beings. It wasn't something I chose but something that happened to me.

Over time I realised that every time I spoke this language I would feel better, calmer, more at peace and more at home with myself.

I then started to use it for self-healing, clearing my energy and workspaces, I also used it for energising myself, self-love and along with my manifestation practices.

The more I used it and worked with it the easier it became to channel and connect with my Higher Self, Angels and Guides.

I started to use it in my Angelic Reiki Healing Sessions and they became even more profound and powerful.

I discovered that this language, these sounds and movements I was making were also helping me to open up more, to become more receptive and to stay in my heart more. Meaning I was able to be more authentic in my communication.

I also discovered that I was becoming a confident public speaker and was receiving a lot of positive feedback from doing talks, workshops and ceremonies. Previously I’d felt terrified and now it just flowed because I trusted more.

Eventually, I discovered the term 'Light Language' through a friend. The moment I heard this I knew that's what it was, that I had been activated.

I had heard it several years before this even through another close friend but I hadn’t connected the dots because hers sounded so different from mine.

Now it is my Souls joy and Life Purpose to help others to know the power of working with Light Language. and to discover the freedom, flow, and power of expressing their Heart and Souls frequency.

I have worked with hundreds if not thousands now the past couple of years and seen the magic and confidence grow in everyone that I've helped.

I would LOVE to support you on this amazing journey to unlock your gifts, the power of your Souls expression, and your ability to receive more light and spiritual information for both yourself and others.

I have worked with people all around the world and I work both online and in person.

Are you ready to raise your frequency, activate your Light Language, and trust in yourself and your Guides like never before?